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Douala based Cameroonian singer and makeup artist SHOFOLA BERETTA popularly known as SHOFI has released her second single titled ”Wahala”. 

The 21-year-old singer who started her career 3months ago with her first single ”Loving Me”.

The song was well received by the general public and to stay consistent in the game, she has released another aria titled ”Wahala”

The term ”Wahala” is a Nigerian jargon which means ”trouble”.


Furthermore, ”Wahala” is a street anthem, a song she said:

“I wrote after looking around and seeing how women suffer in the hands of men in the name of love, and my own personal experiences, I thought expressing how we feel in a song will help bring a change”. 

Also, the Pouncy kido produced track was directed by Blade77 Films. 

Watch ”Wahala” below and kindly share your thoughts with us in the comments section.

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