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Are you a parent or soon to be one? Here are some tips on how to work around the little human! 

1. Work Quickly:

As a parent, one thing you don’t always have on your side is time, so look at your schedule to find chunks of time where either your partner can look after the baby for an hour, or when the baby is sleeping. Know what you want to do in your hour, and focus all of your energy on getting it done. ⁣

⁣2. Go Creative Mode: 

When you’re pushed into big responsibilities, you’re forced to think differently. Use that creative fuel to feed the future YOU. ⁣

3. Don’t Hyperfocus On Details:

Details matter, sure. But when you’re energy-deprived after looking after a little baby all day, the last thing you want is to focus on every small thing. Have a clear focus and work on details at the end of your project. Focus on the core for now.⁣

⁣4. Make Mornings Important: 

If possible, try to get work done in the mornings. Mornings are best as your brainwaves are still in their slower, subconscious patterns (before moving into active ones). 

Additionally, make sure you rest as much as you play. Get naps in throughout the day if possible, and take days off. You’re not a robot. ⁣

⁣Feel free to add more points in the comments section below.

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