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Having trouble communicating your brand message? We got you covered below! 

1. Tell A Story:

“Storytelling” is a simultaneously over-hyped and under-utilized branding tool. Your story gives people reasons beyond your music to invest in you emotionally and financially. Who are you? What do you represent? What do you want fans to feel when they hear you? ⁣

2. Keep Media Consistent: 

When putting together official websites, album covers, Facebook fan pages and press packs, many artists let their creativity take over and forget that one of the most important aspects of branding and voice is consistency. But why? The way fans and others experience you needs to be consistent in order for them to understand who you are and feel comfortable in the space you’re creating for them⁣

3. Listen To Feedback:

In order to make a living at our craft, we cannot abandon our core identity. If you don’t believe in what you are presenting – and if it doesn’t square with your principles and the type of music that truly inspires you – you’re not going to enjoy your job. It’s okay to listen to feedback, but always remain your truest self. ⁣

4. Use The Above For Content:

Now that you understand the importance of storytelling who you are and that consistent branding is a key, you can leverage this to create content around your newfound brand and focus more so on story-telling who you are through images and videos, etc. ⁣

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