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Hello MGP Readers, here’s all you need to know about MUMA 2020 and platform. 

Muzikol is a multi-award winning music market and social network built to meet the needs of the music industry through socialization. It is a virtual music community that encapsulate the real world of music and provide solutions to most of the problems faced in it. 

Muzikol provides a market for all music industry stakeholders to sell their products and services using local and global payment solutions in a very personalize and customize way. Because Muzikol is designed to be at the center of activities of the music industry, ABEBOH is Launching the first edition of the Muzikol music awards to hold this year.

Muzikol Music awards (MUMA) is an inclusive Music Stakeholders award that rewards and recognizes all the different music stakeholders of the music industry, and at the same time, look into important activities of the music industry throughout a defined musical season. The first edition shall be a two days event scheduled to take place in Douala – Cameroon – Africa. 


MUMA’s categories are divided into two sections namely, the Voters Choice Categories and the Statistics Base Categories. For 2020, most of our Categories shall reward our primary industry which is the Cameroon Music Industry.

MUMA’s objectives are; to reward and recognize distinguish performances in the music industry. We expose and promote hidden musical talents and great contents from Africa. MUMA brings together different stakeholders of the African music industry to connect, exchange knowledge and bond. 

In a nutshell, MUMA provides a platform that documents the achievements and activities of the African music industry.

More information on MUMA 2020 will be communicated in the course of the year.

To know more about MUMA, visit https:/www.muzikolmusicawards.com  and we invite you to join Muzikol at https://www.muzikol.com.

You can reach the Muzikol at abebohmuzikol@gmail.com or +237 653 440 238.

”It is time for Africa to make the difference in the world” – Abeboh/MUMA President Nges Brian tells MissGinaPromotes 

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